5 Top Tips for a Gluten-Free Diet | Yebble

5 Top Tips for a Gluten-Free Diet | Yebble:

Invest in Yourself

Gluten-free diets have become popular in recent years, with an increasing number of people experiencing intolerance or sensitivity to foods containing gluten. Symptoms of gluten intolerance vary from one person to the next, but digestive disturbances, headaches, lethargy, and depression are among the most common problems linked to gluten. If you’re considering switching to a gluten-free diet, here are 5 top tips for getting started.

1- Learn About Food Labels

Most manufacturers include a detailed list of ingredients on their food packaging, enabling you to make informed choices about the food you eat. While gluten is most commonly found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley, there are many different names for these grains and their derivatives. Durum, kamut, malt, hydrolyzed wheat protein, matzo, semolina, and triticale are among the many different names used for foods containing gluten. Learning about food labels and how to spot gluten in the list of ingredients is essential for a gluten-free diet.

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